时间:2024-10-30 06:01:02
The worlds first health app could monitor peoples glucose levels without breaking the skin - a development which has been described as the holy grail in diabetes care.世界上首款皮外监测血糖水平的身体健康应用于问世,这一进展被形容为糖尿病护理中的“圣杯”。The Epic app could also help people find out if they could develop diabetes and need to make lifestyle changes to avoid it becoming a reality.“史诗”应用于也可以协助人们辨别自己否有可能患糖尿病,以及否必须转变生活方式以防治糖尿病。Users will only have to place one fingertip over the camera lens of their smartphone, the London-based firm has stated.这家总部坐落于伦敦的公司声称,用户只需将指尖放到其智能手机摄像头前。A series of close-up images are taken which accurately show information about the users blood flow.摄像头不会摄制一系列特写图像,可准确体现用户血流等信息。
These are then sent to the cloud for analysis and can provide feedback on all kinds of vital information - from heart rate to temperature to blood pressure. It can also tell people about their respiration and blood oxygen saturation.然后这些图像被送到云端展开分析,并产生所有关键信息的对系统--心率、体温、血压等。这款应用于还能让用户理解自己的排便和血氧饱和度。Developers say the app will be available to download - free of charge - on Android and iOS at the end of this year.开发者称之为,这款应用于将于今年年底登岸安卓和iOS平台,并获取免费iTunes。
Almost all pre-existing glucose monitoring equipment is invasive - and many companies including Apple have talked of trying to develop a non-invasive method of testing.完全所有目前的血糖检测设备都是入侵式的,因此还包括苹果在内的许多公司都声称将尝试研发一种无自创检测手段。